Efficient Clinical Trial of the Polio Vaccine Against the Second Wild Strain, Vital for Children in Africa

An efficient clinical trial of the polio vaccine was critical for the emergency approval of the sponsor vaccine against the second wild strain. Then, solve the delicate health situation in Africa due to the high number of children infected with a variant that was thought to have been eliminated, but that increased again after the… Continue reading Efficient Clinical Trial of the Polio Vaccine Against the Second Wild Strain, Vital for Children in Africa

Integra IT: Clinical Trial Digital Management

Cevaxin is a sites network in Panama, their Clinical Trials Digital Management are carried out in cities such as La Chorrera y David and the township of 24 de Diciembre, a division of the district of Panama. In these areas, they are working with the middle and low social strata populations in the norovirus, dengue,… Continue reading Integra IT: Clinical Trial Digital Management

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