Having a Website: Key to Boost Research Sites Success

Having a Great Website An Advantage for Research Sites

At Integra IT we have identified the great opportunity for research sites of beeing visible in the digital environment.


The sites can gain competitiveness, recognition and positioning by having a high-quality digital cover letter, that speaks of their value proposition, differentials, experience and that work as the direct contact channel with potential customers, patients or communities.


In the last three years, the most successful research sites, especially in the United States, have stood out for increasing their reach and visibility through structured, educational and eye-catching websites, which not only enhance the demanding recruitment task, but also serve to positioning their brand, expert professionals and services. Here we share with you three very useful concepts about websites a site should have in mind when talking about websites:

  • User Experience UX: This concept refers to the user’s journey and interactions with all the content of a web page, from the moment he/she clicks or enters, navigates, until he/she generates an action. It includes design elements such as images, graphics, menus and text types, as well as buttons, hyperlinks, number of clicks, buttons, forms, calls-to-action, etc.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): The optimization of content to appear in search engines such as Google and Bing, is a tool that allows, through the selection and inclusion of keywords within the content of a web page, the indexation of the content to appear in the searches of users interested in those topics. The objective is to position the web page in the first search results including key words related to the buiness. This is very useful for generating traffic, visits, give visibility to the site, and lead generation.
  • Visual block editing: You don’t need to be an expert code engineer to create or update a web page. Tools like Trial360 have a block editor, which allows you to use pre-designed templates to easily create and edit the content of a web page. Through an intuitive editor, you can create websites or landing pages, without being an expert, for your site’s corporate presentation, recruitment campaign or educational site quickly and easily.

Here we share a quick glimpse of how easy it is to edit and create attractive content with the Website module of the Trial 360 solution:

Trial 360 Website Module is truly integrable with other modules such as CRM, Surveys, Forms, Social Medical, and Events, so you can have everything on the same system instead of multiple platforms.

If you want to learn more about our all-in-one solution for sites and boost your site competitiveness in the digital space, you book a short call with our Medical Advisor here.

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